This has been a different week! It is the first week since beginning this blog, when a blog post was not written on the usual #Thrive Thursday last week. You see, I have my weeks run from Thursday to Wednesday because normally, I am able to get at least one blog article written between Thursday and Sunday. This did NOT happen this past week at all! However, what DID happen, were several videos instead, all talking about the past week’s theme of planning ahead. One of the reasons for so many videos this past week has been due to various video/visbility challenges I am doing to become more comfortable in front of the camera. There are tactile learners, audible learners, and visual learners. Visual learners will read or watch someone do something to learn how to do it themselves. Tactile learners need to do it for themselves as they follow instructions to learn how to do it. Audible learners need to hear it to learn how to do it. Video offers visual and audible learners the ability to hear and see someone either talking about something, or demonstrating it.
Today I was challenged to look over old blog content to repurpose some of it into a new video for a blog post. It turns out, my article on staycations has been the most popular since the beginning of March 2020. Tomorrow we begin one of several “fun stuff” weeks in my content calendar year, because this coming weekend is the May Long Weekend here in Canada.
So to wrap up this past week’s content theme and begin next week’s an evening early, allow me to offer you several videos all related to planning ahead. Why? Because I want you planning ahead for something fun for you and the kids this coming weekend. When you have your idea planned out and everything is ready, I want to hear how it went either on my coaching page on facebook, or in my group on Facebook. Here we go:
Reverse Scheduling:
Tools to Plan Ahead:
Planning Ahead: Looking at Your Calendar:
Let’s wrap things up for this past week by turning our attention to the coming long weekend. How can you put these tips and ideas to good use for you and your kids?