It’s a saying usually part of a poem used to help a young bride plan her wedding attire: “something old, something new”, but today, what’s old isn’t very old at all in some ways, yet over 100 years old in other ways. What’s new however, is rather deadly!
Let’s begin with the very old. Roughly 100 years ago, a diet was created to assist kids with epilepsy, and it worked. In more recent years however, that very same diet became known for weight loss successes, but occasionally led to a potentially lethal condition known as Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
The Mayo Clinic describes Diabetic Keoacidosis this way:
Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious complication of diabetes that occurs when your body produces high levels of blood acids called ketones.
The condition develops when your body can’t produce enough insulin. Insulin normally plays a key role in helping sugar (glucose) — a major source of energy for your muscles and other tissues — enter your cells. Without enough insulin, your body begins to break down fat as fuel. This process produces a buildup of acids in the bloodstream called ketones, eventually leading to diabetic ketoacidosis if untreated.
Diabetes-related ketoacidosis can develop in people of any age who have diabetes or undiagnosed diabetes.
Individuals who have undiagnosed Type 1 diabetes: For some people, diabetes-related ketoacidosis (DKA) is how they find out that they have Type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes (also known as diabetes mellitus or insulin-dependent diabetes and formerly known as juvenile diabetes) is a chronic autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks the insulin-producing beta cells in your pancreas. Oftentimes people are in DKA when they’re first diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes because they no longer have enough insulin in their body to use glucose for energy. Type 1 diabetes typically develops during childhood or adolescence but can also develop in adulthood. You can develop Type 1 diabetes even if you don’t have a family history of diabetes. Approximately 20% to 40% of DKA cases are from people who are newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.
While very high blood sugar (above 250 mg/dL) is almost always a contributing factor to DKA, other conditions need to be present to have DKA, including ketones in your blood and/or urine. You can have high blood sugar without having ketones in your blood and/or urine.
Untreated high blood sugar can lead to DKA.
Even though they sound alike, diabetes-related ketoacidosis and ketosis are two different things.
Ketosis occurs when you have ketones in your blood and/or urine but not enough to turn your blood acidic.
What diet has become known for encouraging Ketosis? The Keto Diet! This is the diet that was developed for use by children affected by epilepsy! If you type in the question: Can the Keto Diet cause Diabetic Ketoacidosis, you will get answers ranging from a nuanced No, all the way to a concerned medical professional Yes! Those who are for the diet will be the ones to give either a nuanced yes or a nuanced no.
Why the nuance? The diet, although promoted as beneficial for those with Type 2 Diabetes, can quickly lead to Diabetic Ketoacidosis in either Type 2 or Type 1 diabetics if they are not carefully monitored, particularly in the first two weeks of being on the diet.
One July 2020 case study involved an older gentleman who decided to go on a strict Keto diet (less than 20g of sugar per day) without any apparent 3rd party monitoring. Fortunately, the ICU rescued him and his diabetic condition diagnosed as actually Type 1 Diabetes, NOT Type 2 or what they call LADA, a combination between the two.
The doctor writing the above report is concerned that Keto diet effects on diabetics is not well-known. He has concerns, and from his commentary of this man’s case, his concerns are justified in how the Keto diet affects insulin levels in the body. He’s particularly concerned that Type 1 Diabetics have risks going on the Keto diet.
More recently in December of 2021, another case study was published, showing up in the January 2022 issue for PubMed, telling the story of two young patients with Type 1 Diabetes developing severe Diabetic Ketoacidosis after receiving second doses of the COVID-19 shot! The supposition in this article was possibly due to post-vaccination immune response. Unfortunately, the paper doesn’t suggest such patients avoid the shot, they tell medical professionals to monitor them up to two weeks after the shot!
In September 2021, the Sage Journals’ Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology contained an article/Letter to the Editor (pdf says letter to editor, actual article link doesn’t) telling the story of a 24yr old with Type 1 Diabetes who also developed severe Diabetic Ketoacidosis 15 hours after vaccination! She had rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, was overweight and her physical exam and bloodwork all otherwise showed normal except for what they described as “profoundly insulin resistant”. The report stated:
While it is impossible to prove causality in this case between the vaccine and diabetic ketoacidosis or transient insulin resistance, we feel that it is important to highlight the possibility to other clinicians. Rare instances of acute inflammatory conditions have been described shortly after COVID-19 vaccine administration, as have cases of new-onset hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state and transient insulin resistance.4 Moreover, it is well-established that inflammatory states can acutely worsen peripheral insulin resistance and exacerbate hyperglycemia.5
Due to the popularity of the Keto Diet in the Western world, and due to how many kids get diagnosed every year with Type 1 diabetes, and the fact that Type 1 can apparently hit adults as well as children (type 2 is normally diagnosed for adults), and considering much of the modern diet and activity levels lend themselves to the development of diabetes in some form, this particular vaxx side effect is of concern!
One article on the Keto Diet I found, said that one of the considerations a person needs to check before they go on the diet, is how well their kidneys are working, as keytones will be filtered through the kidneys. That’s how the urine test strip measures your keytone levels in your blood. The kidneys filter this out of your blood into the urine. If your kidneys are in any way compromised, perhaps the Keto Diet isn’t for you. Or, perhaps you need to spend a few months ensuring a diet high in kidney and liver support before trying the diet. Ensuring the pancreas is doing it’s job is extremely important as well, because the diet does lower insulin levels.
If you got the covid shot and are considering the Keto Diet, just turn around and walk the other way. The changes the shot has made to your body could land you in the ICU if you go on the Keto Diet!
If you have not yet gotten the shot, are diabetic in some form, and otherwise doing well on the Keto Diet, it is not wise to go get the shot!
If you have not yet gotten the shot, are not diabetic but tend toward high blood sugar levels, and on the Keto Diet, perhaps turn around and walk the other way.
If you seem to naturally have high blood sugar, it may not be wise to consider the Keto Diet or the shot, and certainly not both concurrently!
I have no desire to see anyone reading my articles keel over and die because they decided that the Keto Diet AND the “vaxx” were a good idea!
If you are diabetic in some form, whether or not you got the shot or the keto diet, there ARE foods and herbs you can use to assist in managing your blood sugar levels, and some are even directly listed as good for diabetics.
In the current viral/vaxx landscape we now live in, being able to have your food multi-task is helpful to keep costs down and stay healthy at the same time.
In my on-demand workshop: The Spike Relief Workshop, I discuss anti-inflammatory foods, kidney support, liver support, foods that address hepatitis, and other covid or “vaxx”-caused conditions.
Some of the foods that do all these things are:
Dandelion, Pine Needle, Chicory, Fennel, Fenugreek, Garlic, and Grapes
Below you will find a food as medicine chart that contains areas of the body these foods generally boost (some call such foods “tonics”), conditions they’ve been known to help with, and some of the properties you want to look for in your food right now. This will print on legal paper in portrait mode. I can’t stress enough how important it is that your liver and kidneys be brought up to full working condition right now! These two organs, perhaps even moreso than the lungs, heart, and reproductive organs, are necessary to cleanse your body of toxins! Another key system not on this chart, is your lymph, as it too engages in cleansing as well as being a major part of your body’s immune system! The heart, lungs, and reproductive organs do their best to function regardless of what is in your body, but they are being taxed if not outright attacked by the new viral landscape and mainstream “efforts” to deal with it.
So download this chart. If you are already eating many of these things in various meals, awesome! If you aren’t and aren’t sure where to start, feel free to register for a free introductory session where you’ll learn more about my services as a Biblical Natural Health Coach and where I’ll learn more about your natural health/nutrition needs, and perhaps together we can put you on a plan of action that incorporates these foods to assist in bolstering your body to stay or regain it’s health, naturally.
Note: this image will open in a separate tab where you can right-click to download it. It is the same size as the pdf
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