I hope by the time you see this article, that you’ve had a chance to read through the background information for it.
From the myriad quotes in that article, we can ascertain that several body systems need active support, and if any of them are currently not healthy, to be brought up to snuff. There is also a disco-ball-sized clue to potential treatment methods that ostensibly worked rather well in labs, but that was dismissed out of hand for real-world-human usage. Considering the source of that dismissal and when the dismissal occurred, it is reasonable to assume that all natural health methods used in lieu of HCQ for covid, would also be of benefit against any of the Henipavirus variants.
Based on the behaviour of Henipa, from RNA gene editing to Interferon inhibiting to the hijacking of lymph and attacking of the Central Nervous System, as well as the receptors it latches onto to insert itself into cells for replication purposes, it appears that treatment will be very similar to what we have done and are doing for covid-19. Many of the same preventive foods and supplemental compounds that protect against COVID-19 and that protect against the spike protein, also help to protect RNA of the body’s cells. The mere fact that the body will mark mutated cells for removal is no doubt one of the reasons why covid “vaxx” boosters are being mandated. God created nature to tag mutated cells and block their transmission from one generation to the next.
As they claim to look for a vaccine for Henipavirus variants, their approach vector is extremely similar to that of the covid “vaxx”, including the narrowly-targeted receptor zones of the Henipavirus, namely the F and G receptor!
The body systems you want to be boosting or bringing up to snuff are:
- Central Nervous System, specifically the brain, but your CNS as a whole
- Respiratory system, both upper and lower respiratory, specifically ensuring your olfactory zone is free of harmful bacteria. This is where my oro-nasal spray can come in handy, and you can make it at home.
- Cardiovascular system, boosting and strengthening your blood vessels as Henipavirus destroys your small blood vessels in your various organs, causing organ damage or outright failure via lesions or vasculitis or both.
- Lymph system, this is part of your body’s immune system and can get hijacked by Henipavirus in order to spread further throughout the body.
- Your kidneys and your liver also need support, although that refrain has been getting louder due to damage being done by the covid “vaxx” already.
A major issue that affects all these areas, but most heavily the brain, is inflammation! Foods that aid the brain’s ability to drain cerebral fluids, foods that are anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidants are high on the list. But your liver can be prone to inflammation as well, and as it has to clean your blood of dead, damaged, or dirty blood cells, your liver needs major TLC these days! Due to the Kidneys taking what the liver flushes back into the blood stream, it too must be given major TLC these days.
It’s interesting that inflammation would be such a hallmark of “new” infections, but it is. Inflammation has become an issue since the 80’s, as the modern diet has become more processed, with many of the food additives causing the inflammation alongside higher-than-necessary intake of Omega-6. To that end, easing your grocery bill and food lifestyle into one that incorporates more whole foods with fewer Omega-6 foods will be a huge step in lowering existing inflammation that may exist in and around your body systems. Do note that your body needs Omega-6, just nowhere near the levels it gets from the typical North American diet. All things in moderation. Too much of a good thing in this case contributes to general body inflammation.
Even cytokine storms are related to the issue of inflammation. In my article on West Nile and HCQ, I discuss how HCQ can calm cytokine storms. West Nile itself causes severe infection of the body’s nervous system, so if we already know that HCQ can treat West Nile, then by extension, we can apply the same body of knowledge to Henipavirus variants as well. Incidentally, West Nile also affects horses, just as Henipavirus does. However, you know West Nile is nearby when corvids start dropping, as they succomb to the virus very quickly. Horses on the other hand get “drunk” and can die if they aren’t quickly and properly treated. West Nile then travels to humans via insect bites from insects who first bit a horse.
One of the potentially confusing aspects of Henipavirus, is that on one hand, it interferes with platelet counts, but on the other hand, causes thrombosis. From a book published in 2014:
” The pathologic hallmark of Henipavirus infection is disseminated microinfarctions as a result of vasculitis-induced thrombosis.” Neurovirology, Suhailah Abdullah, Chong Tin Tan, in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2014
Vasculitis is inflamed blood vessels where the inflammation thickens vessel walls, reducing passageways for blood to flow through. This can result in blood cells bumping up on each other, reducing blood flow to one or more organs and potentially forming a clot. The Mayo Clinic, inspite of making mainstream medical statements around diagnosis and treatment of this condition, has this to say on their treatment tab:
“Treatment focuses on controlling the inflammation and managing any underlying conditions that may be triggering the vasculitis.”
Medical News Today, describes thrombosis as:
“the medical term for when a blood clot — also known as a thrombus — develops inside a blood vessel and stays there. This impedes the flow of blood through the vessel.
An embolus is a piece of a thrombus that breaks off and travels through the blood vessel to other parts of the body. This is referred to as an “embolism.””
As noted in the previous article I wrote, introducing this subject, Henipavirus symptoms include a low platelet count and decrease in white blood cells.
White blood cells are part of your body’s immune system, though technically part of your cardiovascular system because they are blood cells created in your bone marrow right alongside your red blood cells. This is why you need to nutritionally boost your cardiovascular system as well as your lymph system. By nature of how white blood cells mature either in your thyroid or lymph, maintaining a healthy endocryn system is useful as well, particularly if your body struggles in that area.
Preparing your body for future potential onslaughts of viruses such as covid or henipavirus should include heightened intake of Vitamin C, D3, the full range of B vitamins, Zinc, folate, Omega-3’s, grass-fed beef collagen, etc.
Some of the sources you can get these nutrients from will do double and triple duty in their ability to support your body:
- Pine needles (not for pregnant or nursing moms)
- Dandelion (all parts and excellent substitute for pine needles for the above group)
- Red meat,
- fish (for vegans or vegetarians, substitute purslane for your EPA Omega-3 boosting)
- legumes
- and Citrus fruits
Blueberries and red grapes both contain resveratrol, while apples, grapes and dandelion all contain boron, just to name a few more for that list. These compounds aid in healing and recovery.
Ensuring high intake of Vitamin C helps your bones do their job in rebuilding your blood cells, allowing greater response to viral invaders.
Remember the quercetin and quinones in your food choices such as blueberries, apples, spinach, parsley, peanuts and onions. Ensure you are getting your Co-Enzyme Q10 from your fish and red meats.
Vitamin D3 is best obtained by being out in the fresh air, exposing some skin such as arms and legs, to the sun. Being out in the fresh air has numerous benefits all by itself, but fresh air also contributes refreshed oxygen, nitrogen, and other trace gases that your body needs to operate.
One of the ways to get more sun is to figure out an addition or switch-up in your daily routine, to include walking, biking, running, jogging, etc. Personally, I recommend this not as an addition, but as a switch-up so that it is functional as opposed to training exercise. If it takes you 5 min to drive somewhere, it may take you 30 min to an hour to walk the same distance, and perhaps 20min to bike it. Going to the bank, post office and doing a mid-week grocery top-up can be an excuse for a bit of exercise that gets your lymph moving (it functions best when you are moving, it does not have it’s own propulsion system the way the cardiovascular system does), gets your body synthesizing Vitamin D, gets your muscles moving, and assists in maintaining adequate cardio.
Dr Mercola did an interview one time where the discussion was around a concept called Autophagy. This is when your body tags malformed, malfunctioning, or dead cells for removal. He strongly encourages boosting your autophagy if you took the “vaxx” currently out there, to help your body tag now-mutant cells for removal.
The actual removal happens at night during your REM sleep, so you want to be sure you are sleeping properly. Daily moderate exercise helps the body sleep better at night, yet another benefit to switching up your transportation options above.
If you’ve had a particularly grueling day out in the sun because you were chopping wood or unloading a hay wagon or reroofing your house or helping the neighbour yank up a dead juniper hedge (those things have tap roots to China!!!) finish up your day’s efforts with a 20min trip to the sauna! This can be a wet or dry sauna, dry preferred, as it kicks up your body’s autophagy for a good clean-out! However, with a wet sauna, you can throw some mullein, sagebrush, cinnamon, cloves, and other lung-friendly herbs on the rocks to give your respiratory system a boost as well. I recommend this be done in a metal container such as a strainer or large teaball so you don’t have a mess to clean up when the sauna is off. Breathe in the vapours and help your respiratory system receive a good clean-out too.
A second way Mercola recommends kicking up your autophagy, is with intermittent fasting, but this is only recommended for those who are not hypoglycemic as it restricts your eating schedule to roughly an 8 to 10 hour window. If you are hypoglycemic like myself, your rule of thumb to work toward, is 3 hours minimum between meals as this is the time it takes for your food to completely leave your stomach and enter your intestinal system for processing. Try to keep your bedtime protein snack 3 hours after dinner and an hour before bed, if possible. This means, having dinner at 6pm means your snack can be as early as 9pm if you go to bed at 10. The protein bedtime snack should hopefully tide you over till breakfast in the morning.
The third method Mercola recommends is one I diverge from him slightly. Because vegetable oils are high in Omega-6, and because high levels of this essential fatty acid cause inflammation, and because inflammation was already a rampant problem before 2020, Mercola swears off ALL seed oils, and recommends his readers do too. However, Olive oil has been in use throughout the Mediterannean and Middle East since time immemorial, and there is plenty of Scriptural precident for using this oil. Coconut oil, technically a seed oil, contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) which are extremely beneficial to the human body on a number of levels, particularly as it relates to assisting the body with healthy levels of good cholesterol and in lowering levels of LDL cholesterol. Now, some call LDL, the “bad” cholesterol, but it’s role is in repairing the walls of arterial blood vessels. Without LDL, there would be no repair of lesions or tears, and you’d bleed to death! But due to diet, lack of exercise, and other reasons, we can build up too much LDL, and we need the HDL cholesterol molecules not just for creation of all the 65+ chemicals our bodies need, but to strip away excess LDL as well. Coconut oil assists with these endeavours. While more and more companies are moving to these oils and avocado oil, be careful where this last one is sourced from! If it comes from South America, chances are high it is robbing the locals. Do your ethical research before buying any given companies avocado oil to be sure it isn’t harming local populations.
Other seed oils such as canola and corn oils, are highly GMO’d and not fit for human consumption. Sunflower and Safflower are high in Omega-6’s as well, so unless your daily diet is significantly higher in Omega-3’s than normal, these oils may be wise to avoid. The suggested ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 is 6:1, 2:1 or even 1:1, but some researchers have found it as high in North American diets as 15:1, a level we don’t want to encourage.
I think it’s time for a recap:
Body systems to support and boost:
- Central Nervous System
- Respiratory system
- Cardiovascular system
- Lymph system
- Endocryn system
- Your kidneys and your liver
Nutritional focuses and where to get them from:
Vitamin C, D3, the full range of B vitamins, Zinc, folate, Omega-3’s, grass-fed beef collagen, etc.
Some of the sources you can get these nutrients from:
- Pine needles (not for pregnant or nursing moms)
- Dandelion (all parts and excellent substitute for pine needles for the above group)
- Red meat,
- fish (for vegans or vegetarians, substitute purslane for your EPA Omega-3 boosting)
- Legumes
- and Citrus fruits
- Resveratrol from Blueberries and red grapes,
- Boron from apples, grapes and dandelion
- Quercetin and quinones such as blueberries, apples, spinach, parsley, peanuts and onions.
- Ensure you are getting your Co-Enzyme Q10 from your fish and red meats.
- Get your D3 from the sun while you swap walking, biking, jogging or running for how you get to and from various errands and tasks.
- Ensure you get proper sleep.
- Step up your body’s autophagy with intermittent fasting, sauna visits, and reduced seed oil usage.
As I’ve mentioned already, the prevention list for Henipavirus looks alot like the one for covid and corona viruses in general, but with more focus on the Central Nervous System, Cardiovascular system, and Respiratory system.
One last note about how Henipavirus works. It tends to interfere with Type 1 Interferons known as IFN-a and IFN-b respectively (alpha and beta). But just as we learned of various foods that boost Type 2 Interferons, namely IFN-Y or Gamma, we can use foods to boost Type 1 IFN’s as well. Foods such as:
- cruciferous vegetables containing sulphraphane,
- foods containing glutathione, such as asparagus, kiwi and watermelon,
- NAC (that supplement they tried to restrict!),
- foods containing Selenium, such as blueberry, spinach, broccoli and garlic, all aid in
“the possibility that nutraceuticals capable of inhibiting NOX2, promoting clearance of hydrogen peroxide, or aiding restoration of the native structure of Cys98 in TLR7, might be expected to boost the TLR7-mediated induction of type 1 interferon and antiviral antibodies.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7130854/
This same article discusses how anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories work to reduce inflammatory reactions related to a symptom known as lung parenchyma cause by viral infections.
“These nutraceuticals could decrease such as response both by suppressing viral spread, and by dampening pro-inflammatory signaling in endothelial cells that promotes influx of inflammatory cells.”
Another way to support Type 1 Interferons, is with glucosamine, which the body can already synthesize on it’s own. To help your body build and maintain healthy levels of this compound, consider adding green vegetables such as raw parsley and spinach, and those that contain sulfur such as broccoli, to your regular diet. Bone broth made from the bones and gristle of your favourite red meat, contains glucosamine as well.
“feeding mice a glucosamine-enriched diet (2.5% by weight) markedly enhances the survival of wild-type mice infected with influenza virus,
This striking new finding points to the possibility that high-dose glucosamine supplementation might aid prevention and control of RNA virus infections. “
Considering that one of the symptoms of Henipavirus is flu-like symptoms, this is beneficial information to have on hand.
I’ll finish up this section with one last paragraph from the above study. I’ll arrange it and remove what does not make sense to the typical non-scientific reader:
“With respect to practical efforts to prevent and control RNA virus infections, nutraceutical preparations intended to provide protection in this respect might reasonably also include:
~ brewer’s yeast beta-glucan — which can amplify dendritic cell activation… this agent has clinically documented immunostimulant effects, and has been shown to protect mice challenged with influenza virus.33 , 34
~(Polysaccharide cell wall preparations from certain mushrooms and sea weeds have comparable activity).
~Insurance of good zinc status, particularly in the very young and the elderly, would likewise seem to be prudent, as zinc supports the effective function and proliferation of various immune cells.23 , 35And it should be acknowledged that certain herbal preparations have shown potential for controlling or mitigating the symptoms of infections with influenza and other RNA viruses, for reasons that remain obscure37;(emphasis mine)
~extracts of elderberry, in particular, have received considerable clinical evaluation, and have been found to be symptomatically beneficial in influenza and the common cold.38 Given that elderberry is a very rich source of anthocyanins, there is reason to suspect that its impact on viruses might be mediated, at least in part, by ferulic acid, a prominent metabolite that appears in plasma following anthocyanin ingestion.39 Careful research evaluation of the most promising of these preparations may reveal specific phytochemicals which can influence the pathogenicity of viruses by addressing novel targets.”
If you live near elderberry or chokecherry bushes, or grow your own blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc, you can get this nutrient for free. But if you are already buying any of these fruits, be encouraged that you are baffling scientists and staying healthy at the same time!
Another study backs up the use of garlic in boosting Type 1 IFN:
” The chronic eating of garlic was found to maintain IFN-alpha at high levels for at least 7 days. The exposure of neutrophils to garlic in vivo or in vitro, which also stimulated synthesis of NO in these cells, was found to stimulate IFN-alpha synthesis as measured by the stimulation of IFN-alpha mRNA synthesis. Thus, consumption of garlic resulted in stimulated synthesis of NO and, in turn, IFN-alpha in humans, which could be beneficial in viral or proliferative diseases.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17523869/
Note the mention of Nitric Oxide production. A number of foods such as red meat, fish, cocoa, cabbage, and Pomegranate, contain Nitric Oxide while both garic and Pomegranate contain compounds that encourage the body to synthesize NO. Various nuts such as walnuts and hazelnuts also contain NO.
Time to build another grocery list.
EDIT March 11, 2024
To this point in the article, the above notes all specifically related to henipa virus with general mention of RNA viruses and preventing or dealing with general RNA infection. The companion article however, mentioned measles 5 times, a few of those in direct relation to the type of RNA virus family that henipa viruses are in.
It is interesting to discover, (thanks Rebel News) that both government and WHO guidelines for treating children with measles, includes administering high doses of Vitamin A in a clinical setting!
The Journal for Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice published this statement:
” It is known as an anti-infective vitamin because of its role in enhancing immune function including immunoglobulin expression and cellular immune response. Diet is the primary source of vitamin A from foods such as milk, eggs, cheese, fortified cereals, leafy green vegetables, orange vegetables, fish, and meat (in particular, liver). Less commonly ingested, but high in vitamin A, is cod liver oil. The recommended daily allowance for vitamin A depends on your age and sex. Average daily recommended amounts are listed in micrograms (μg) of retinol activity equivalent (RAE). Recommendations are 900 and 700 μg RAE per day for men and women, respectively. For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the recommendations are higher. For children younger than 13 years, the recommendations fall within the range of 300 to 600 μg RAE dependent upon age. Individuals can get the recommended amounts through a balanced diet.9″
“Vitamin A deficiency in the United States is rare.10 It is much more common in low- and middle-income countries because individuals often have limited access to foods containing vitamin A from animal-based food sources and/or do not commonly consume fresh fruits and vegetables.9”
This note from the above article is concerning due to how badly string pullers are pushing for vegan diets. Mercola has noted:
“People who eat foods rich in vitamin A, or retinol, not beta-carotene, experience a reduced risk of developing squamous cell skin cancer as well, as vitamin A affects cell growth and differentiation, which plays a role in the development of cancer. Vitamin A is a group of nutrients that falls into two different categories: retinoids found in animal foods and carotenoids found in plant foods. The two are chemically different and provide different health benefits, but both are necessary for optimal health. Plant foods high in beta-carotene include sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe and mangoes. Animal foods rich in vitamin A include liver, egg yolks and grass fed butter.”
In other words, you need both types of Vitamin A, not merely the version found in fruits and vegetables.
The IDCP article carries on:
“One study among US children with measles showed that children with no known previous vitamin A deficiency exhibited a significant decline in their serum retinol levels during the acute phase of measles. This decline in circulating retinol was associated with an increased duration of fever, higher hospitalization rates, and decreased antibody titers. In the study, plasma retinol levels returned to normal during the recovery phase.14”
The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases shares this article, that reads like a contradiction! It begins with an ominous graphic stating that Vitamin A therapy is dubious, then goes on to state in the article itself:
“Despite evidence that vitamin A therapy can help to reduce measles mortality, experts at a summit convened by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) in November 2019 found that use of the therapy was low across the US (less than 50% of hospitalized patients).”
The graphic occurs again in the article, followed by this paragraph:
“Of course, the best treatment is prevention. All children should get 2 doses of the MMR vaccine to prevent measles. But when measles does occur, vitamin A can be an effective treatment when appropriately administered by a healthcare professional.”
You can see where the NFID’s focus really is!
The World Health Organization still says on their website: while continuing to push for vaccinations:
“All children or adults with measles should receive two doses of vitamin A supplements, given 24 hours apart. This restores low vitamin A levels that occur even in well-nourished children. It can help prevent eye damage and blindness. Vitamin A supplements may also reduce the number of measles deaths.”
Back to the IDCP article now, they share:
“Vitamin A for treatment of measles is administered once daily for 2 days, at the following doses:
▪ 200,000 IU for children 12 months or older;
▪ 100,000 IU for infants 6 through 11 months old; and
▪ 50,000 IU for infants younger than 6 months.
An additional (eg, a third) age-specific dose should be given 2 through 4 weeks later to children with clinical signs and symptoms of vitamin A deficiency.Even in countries where measles is not usually severe, vitamin A should be given to all children with severe measles (eg, requiring hospitalization). Parenteral and oral formulations of vitamin A are available in the United States.”
The above numbers, while noted in the IDCP article in the same paragraph as info from the WHO, actually comes from the CDC in the US at the bottom of a long article pushing vaccination.
“…the 1993 AAP Red Book Committee review of the vitamin A recommendations in measles management. The topic of vitamin A toxicity was explored because it was noted that potential toxicity occurred in cumulative doses of greater than 1,000,000 IU over 2 to 3 weeks. No reports of vitamin A toxicity in children with measles have been documented.19″
Published reports on vitamin A acute toxicity between 1944 and 2000 show 55 cases (50 in ages 0–2 years). The lowest dose that caused toxicity in children aged 0 to 2 years was 11,500 IU/kg, and the median dose was 47,850 IU/kg.23 There seems to be no evidence of long-term consequences of the administration of high doses of vitamin A beyond nausea/diarrhea lasting 24 hours, which many children with measles have upon admission because of the virus, so the difference would be hard to detect. Symptoms of vitamin A toxicity are poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sensitivity to light, and dry, rough skin,9 which are also common presenting symptoms of measles.”
A review published on PubMed: Vitamin A for treating measles in children, by R M D’Souza in 2005, mentioned the following:
” There was a 64% reduction in the risk of mortality in children who were given two doses of 200,000 IU of vitamin A (RR=0.36; 95% CI 0.14 to 0.82) as compared to placebo.
Two doses of water based vitamin A were associated with a 81% reduction in risk of mortality (RR=0.19; 95% CI 0.02 to 0.85) as compared to 48% seen in two doses of oil based preparation (RR=0.52; 95% CI 0.16 to 1.40).
Two doses of oil and water based vitamin A were associated with a 82% reduction in the risk of mortality in children under the age of 2 years (RR=0.18; 95% CI 0.03 to 0.61) and a 67% reduction in the risk of pneumonia specific mortality (RR=0.33; 95% CI 0.08 to 0.92).”
The Cleveland Medical Clinic makes a claim about Vitamin A that is decried in the mainstream articles linked to above, namely, that Vitamin A is a preventive against the measles because it aids in maintaining a healthy immune system.
This claim is notable due to many of the above mainstream links expressing concern and worry that people have made unfounded claims of Vitamin A preventing measles. But here we have a clinic making the same claim.
It is important to remember that the high doses recommended by the US CDC can only be achieved via IV administered by a doctor or naturopath.
Another vitamin that has been used to great effect against the measles, is Vitamin C. According to Orthomolectular.org:
“The first physician to aggressively use vitamin C to cure disease was Frederick R. Klenner, MD, beginning back in the early 1940’s. Dr. Klenner successfully treated chicken pox, measles, mumps, tetanus and polio with huge doses of the vitamin.”
Vitamin C was already mentioned earlier in the article’s food as medicine recap. However, it should be noted that the dosages used by this doctor in the 1940’s were by injection or IV, and high dosage up around 10,000mg or higher. However, it was also noted in other articles written by doctors and researchers for Orthomolecular.org, that even vitamin C supplements of 1000mg could be taken throughout a day for multiple days to achieve similar benefits. Because the body flushes out what it doesn’t need, the administration in supplement form spread throughout the day ensures the vitamin can do it’s job before being flushed out.
Vitamin A can be found in various foods listed earlier in the food recap as well, such as:
- Dandelion ,
- spinach,
- parsley,
- blueberries
- and citrus fruits.
As Mercola points out however, be sure to include Vitamin A from animal sources, such as butter, eggs, and beef.
Prevention is better than catch-up or treatment. Look after your immune system, and it will look after you, either by fending off unwanted infections, or by making it easier for you to deal with and heal from such infections. Ensure your usual diet includes foods, herbs and spices that contain a wide range of nutrients and that your meals contain these foods several times per week. Supplements can be useful if you are having trouble pulling out of a deficient state, or if you can’t eat the foods required to keep healthy levels of these nutrients in your system. Because supplements are costly and sometimes pull nutrients from sources or compounds the body can’t process very well, it is best to get your nutrition from food. If you are unsure how to start down this road, drop me a line and we’ll put a plan of action together that helps you get started on regaining and then maintaining your health, naturally, using the means God has given us.
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