Well, well, well. . . What do we have here?! We’ve only been seeing news of “pride” parades and celebrations over the past few weeks, and suddenly, guess what??!! MPOX is in the news again! I can’t fathom the remotest reason why! (dripping sarcasm there) This pox disease generally only infects those who engage in “alternative lifestyle” behaviour between members of the same gender, and of the genders God created, it only seems to primarily hit one of them, those carrying the XY chromosome.
Remember last year, when they decided to rename the monkeypox virus to mpox because it was less stigmatized??? I don’t think that worked very well, particularly with news now going around the world right now that another outbreak of the virus has hit several African countries. One of the reasons to rename the virus was because of a slur referring to black people as monkeys. The slur, “Monkey”, is also British slang for people who are acting like what we’d slur over here as “total and complete retards”. Now even the term “retard” has been renamed in recent decades to “neurodiverse”, or “mentally handicapped”, or “mentally challenged”. The term retard did get used rather derogatorily and still does, when many refer to someone who has done something they really should have known better than to do, generally inferring the person did not think very hard or very wisely before engaging in whatever the dumb activity was. One of my daughter’s favourite electronic artists to listen to wrote and sang a song using the British slang term “monkey”. Based on his lyrics and who he was inferring, there were no black people addressed, called out, or slandered in any way. But the people in his song were very much acting like they had no clue what they were doing or why they were doing it, and therefore got called monkeys.
Based on the British slang use of the word, and based on when this virus tends to show up on the world stage in recent years, the original name not only makes sense, but the new name doesn’t remove the stigma! In order to remove the stigma, you have to completely change the virus’ behaviour. I’m not sure they’ve done that, due to it’s release location. It appears all they’ve done is speed up transmission. The location of the sped-up version is once again, in Africa, as if what spreads there should spread everywhere else around the world. It appears the string pullers forgot that this idea failed when they released an enhanced ebola virus in the Libya region. My cousin lost a son to that virus while her husband, who is full-blooded Libyan, was a front-line medical worker during that outbreak. Bringing that virus back to the US didn’t spread very far and it was dealt with rather quickly. Some say this is due to our medical system being better in North America, but I’m more inclined to believe it was due to environmental conditions the virus couldn’t survive in here. Remember that smallpox was largely eradicated BEFORE the smallpox vaccine was created, simply by changing the environment using better hygiene, sewage management, etc. The vaccine arrived as smallpox was winding down, although mainstream medical continually claims that vaccine stopped the spread of smallpox.
In that vein of thinking, we can ensure a poor environment for spread of this latest variant by doing several things:
1) Stay heterosexual and monogamous, or simply practice abstinance and enjoy your singlehood.
2) Don’t go germophobic, but do stay reasonably clean, ensuring your body is able to make use of low-level innoculation without going overboard.
3) Give your body the tools it needs to stay healthy. This is done by what you do and don’t eat, drink, how you sleep and exercise. Don’t forget your daily dose of sunshine.
I wrote a couple articles in recent years about dealing with pox-related conditions, and I encourage you to read them and then stock your medicine cabinet, pantry, spice cupboard and fridge. Treating pox outbreaks are generally the same across the variants. But the string pullers have been making plans that include gain-of-function research. But be encouraged, we are not left helpless. The following three articles open in their own tabs so you don’t lose your place here:
Monkey Business Round Two, And the Foods You can Use to Deal with It
Herbal Treatments of Smallpox Through the Years
Herbs and Smallpox: Is it Really That Dire?
As usual, may cool heads prevail! Don’t fall for any frenzied hype that mainstream medical and mainstream media may try to whip up!
Stay cool, calm and collected. This lets you think straight and make wise decisions.
Decide how well you can or can’t handle another scenario such as 2020-2021, and make plans accordingly to keep stress levels low.
Apparently, this is the second year that the WHO tried to label mpox a global public health emergency. Let’s ensure this one fizzles out too, shall we? Based on the British use of the slang “monkey”, I would be labelling Tedros and his cronies. They know what they are trying to do. Let’s make sure it can’t happen!
EDIT September 10, 2024 to add warning information around the mpox “vaxx” that’s been approved for use! If you can’t create a pandemic the usual way, create a “vaxx” to do it for you!
The package insert for the mpox “vaxx” sounds like it will be far worse than the disease! Here are some notable quotes:
• Individuals with severe immunodeficiency. These individuals may include persons who are undergoing bone marrow transplantation
or persons with primary or acquired immunodeficiency states who require isolation. (4).
• Myocarditis and/or pericarditis, ischemic heart disease and nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. (5.1, 5.2)
• Encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy, progressive vaccinia (vaccinia necrosum), generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial skin infections, erythema multiforme major (including StevensJohnson syndrome), eczema vaccinatum, fetal vaccinia and fetal death. (5.1)
• Ocular vaccinia that may lead to blindness. (5.3)
• These risks, including risks of severe disability and/or death, are increased in vaccinees with:
• Cardiac disease. (5.2)
• Eye disease treated with topical steroids. (5.3)
• Congenital or acquired immune deficiency disorders. (5.4)
• History or presence of eczema and other skin conditions. (5.5)
• Infants < 12 months of age. (5.6)
• Pregnancy. (5.7)
• ACAM2000 is a live vaccinia virus that can be transmitted to persons who have close contact with the vaccinee and the risks in contacts are the same as those stated for vaccinees. (5.10)
——————————ADVERSE REACTIONS——————————-
Common adverse reactions include inoculation site signs and symptoms, lymphadenitis, and constitutional symptoms, such as malaise, fatigue, fever, myalgia, and headache (6). These adverse reactions are less frequent in revaccinated persons than persons receiving the vaccine for the first time.
Inadvertent inoculation at other sites is the most frequent complication of vaccinia vaccination. The most common sites involved are the face, nose, mouth, lips, genitalia and anus. Self-limited skin rashes not associated with vaccinia replication in skin, including urticaria and folliculitis, may occur following vaccination.———————–USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS————————
• ACAM2000 may rarely cause fetal infection, usually resulting in stillbirth or death. (8.1)
• ACAM2000 live vaccinia virus may be transmitted from a lactating mother to her infant causing complications in the infant from inadvertent inoculation. (8.2)
• ACAM2000 may be associated with an increased risk of serious complications in children, especially in infants younger than 12 months. (8.4)”
The insert goes into further detail, citing safety studies done on the “vaxx” and in general, results of those who came down with the above complications and adverse reactions. Do note that numbered references are available in the document itself.
While those at risk include those who have acquired immune deficiency syndrome, of which we can anticipate due to current rates of adverse events and all-cause mortality of the covid “vaxx”, that many who took that “vaxx” will now be immunocompromised, the drug insert explicitly states:
“Do not administer ACAM2000 to individuals with severe immunodeficiency.”
I find this interesting, as concern is growing that the so-called mpox outbreak will merely be cover for a potential major explosion in “vaxx”-related shingles cases in the covid “vaxxed” population. While this note is made in the insert, do not be surprised if it’s ignored.
If you are pregnant, pay attention to this note:
“Pregnancy Exposure Registry
There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors pregnancy outcomes in women exposed to ACAM2000 during pregnancy. Healthcare providers, state health departments, and other public health staff should report to the National Smallpox Vaccine in Pregnancy Registry (NSVIPR) all pregnant women who, from 42 days prior to conception onward, received ACAM2000 or had close contact with a person who received ACAM2000 within the previous 28 days. Civilian women should contact their healthcare provider or state health department for help enrolling in the registry. All civilian and military cases should be reported to the DoD.”
Two comments about the above quote unrelated to pregnancy:
- As noted earlier, this “vaxx” has been based on and takes ingredients and active components from the smallpox vaccine. See my links earlier on dealing with smallpox.
- Secondly, REPORT TO THE DOD WHETHER CIVILIAN OR MILITARY??? Why does the US Department of Defence need to have this registry??!!
Another point that medical practitioners will no doubt ignore, but that I’ll mention here,
“Vaccine recipients or caregivers must be informed of the major serious adverse reactions associated with vaccination, including myocarditis and/or pericarditis, progressive vaccinia in immunocompromised persons, eczema vaccinatum in persons with skin disorders, auto- and accidental noculation, generalized vaccinia, urticaria, erythema multiforme major (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome) and fetal vaccinia in pregnant women.”
I added the emphasis there! Needless to say, this is one PDF you want to download before the FDA removes it off their site or blanks it out! Stock your medicine cabinet while you can with the means God has blessed you to do so. Pray that God will halt this particular “vaxx” as well as the Replicon “vaxx” due to come out of Japan. In either case, should God allow these to be released upon the general public, seek God’s protection as outlined in Psalm 91, and prepare as God leads, not only for yourself and your household, but for those who may come across your path as well.
end edit