Eastern Equine Encephalitis? Or Covering For Future Mass Neurological Nightmares?!

Eastern Equine Encephalitis? Or Covering For Future Mass Neurological Nightmares?!

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First predicted by Infowars for Fall of 2024, the threat of Eastern Equine Encephalitis looms on the North American horizon, specifically, the USA as they head into the fall election. According to the Massachusetts government website, EE is described this way:

“The virus that causes EEE is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. EEE virus particularly infects birds, often with no evidence of illness in the bird. Mosquitoes become infected when they bite infected birds. Although humans and several other types of mammals, particularly horses and llamas, can become infected, they do not spread disease.

The first symptoms of EEE are fever (often 103º to 106ºF), stiff neck, headache, and lack of energy. These symptoms show up three to ten days after a bite from an infected mosquito. Inflammation and swelling of the brain, called encephalitis, is the most dangerous and frequent serious complication. The disease gets worse quickly and some patients may go into a coma within a week.”

There are various types of encephalitis, viral encephalitis being one of them. According to St Luke’s Hospital, it is generally caused by the following viruses: herpes, childhood viruses such as measles, and viruses transmitted via mosquito bite.

St. Luke’s goes on to say that:

thermometer“There are two types of encephalitis — primary and secondary. In primary encephalitis, a virus attacks the brain and spinal cord directly. In secondary or postinfectious encephalitis, the virus invades another part of your body and travels to your brain. The virus causes inflammation of the nerve cells (encephalitis) or the surrounding membranes (meningitis). Encephalitis is different from meningitis, but these two brain infections often happen together.

Most cases of encephalitis are mild and do not last long. However, in some cases encephalitis can be life-threatening. About 10,000 to 20,000 cases of encephalitis are reported each year in the United States.”

“~ Ninety percent of people with encephalitis have flu-like symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, cough, and malaise.
~ If the person has meningitis and encephalitis, he or she may have a headache, stiff neck, vomiting, and be bothered by light.
~ People with severe encephalitis usually have some change in consciousness, ranging from mild confusion to coma. They will often be disoriented and delusional with possible hallucinations, agitation, and personality changes.
~ Up to 50% of people with encephalitis may have seizures.
~ Other signs and symptoms of encephalitis depend on which area of the brain is most affected. These may include trouble using or understanding words or coordinating voluntary muscle movements, muscle weakness or partial paralysis on one side of the body, uncontrollable tremors or movements, and not being able to regulate body temperature.
~ Infants may have bulging in the fontanels or soft spots on the skull.”

They go on to list the arboviruses, or viruses transmitted by mosquitoes or other insects, such as: EEE, La Cross, St. Louise, West Nile, and Western Equine encephalitis. They too claim that EEE although rare, tends to kill up to half of those who severe symptoms, or give them permanent brain damage.

eMedicineHealth in their brain infection article mentions the following:

“West Nile virus and other members of the encephalitis-causing virus family (St. Louis encephalitis, western equine and eastern equine encephalitis, and La Crosse encephalitis) are usually spread by bites of ticks, mosquitoes, and flies.”

Speaking specifically about West Nile, they claim:

neuron“The virus itself, as well as the host’s immune response, disrupt normal function of nerve cells, especially in the gray matter of the brain. This leads to various cognitive and psychiatric signs including confusion, lethargy, problems with coordination, and possible seizures. Very common symptoms of the infected person, especially with West Nile infection, are headaches, fever, nausea, vomiting, and photophobia (sensitivity to light). Most of the infections have a mild course with a favorable prognosis; however, the patients with more severe degree of infection may develop altered mental status, very high fever, neck stiffness, and seizures. Rarely, especially in very old and immunocompromised patients, the disease progresses to full-blown encephalitis, with subsequent coma, stupor, and death. Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for this type of viral infection. All patients should get supportive therapy for symptom relief.”

It would appear they are unaware of treatments available for West Nile, one of which was heavily villified during the pandemic, and has received new villification recently.

Other viruses that can cause encephalitis according to St. Luke’s Hospital include herpes simplex type 1 (the common cold sore), HSV-2 (genital herpes), chickenpox/shingles, epstein-barr, measles, german measles also known as rubella, and mumps. Non-virus vectors include bacteria, fungus, parasites, or even allergic reactions and toxins.

Those two paragraphs above are important, because previous research has shown a connection between the covid “vaxx” and epstein-barr, and parasites have been found in the “vaxx”. It would appear that those who took the “vaxx” may have set themselves up to fall for such a threat in the future.

eMedicineHealth says this about the types of organisms that can lead to encephalitis

“Organisms may cause bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal, or prion infections of the central nervous system.”

This comment brings back to mind what Dr Seneff uncovered about potential prion diseases being caused by the covid “vaxx”.

Further to the list of additional causes of encephalitis, eMedicineHealth goes on to share:

“herpes simplex types 1 and 2, varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr, as well as cytomegalovirus) can enter the central nervous system from the peripheral nervous system (along the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord), where they reside, and cause severe illness such as fulminant meningitis, encephalitis, or myelitis. These infections are particularly deadly in immunocompromised patients. “

They then list a cause that also has been seeded into the covid “vaxx”:

“Poliomyelitis (polio) is caused by a small poliovirus. The spread to the nervous system occurs when orally ingested virus multiplies in the digestive system, then gets into the bloodstream, and eventually enters the central nervous system. The disease progressively worsens and eventually leads to paralysis, coma, and arrest of the respiratory and cardiac muscle.”

I must make a side note here to say that St. Luke’s Hospital and eMedicineHealth are both mainstream medical, and therefore push the idea of vaccines. It has recently come to light that the MMR vaccine, which did NOT stop my infant son from catching german measles as a baby, was never properly tested for effectiveness! See Children’s Health Defense for more details. The Polio vaccine has also been documented to cause more cases than it prevented in various countries in Africa.

However, it is rumoured that Bill Gates wants to “vaxx” the globe’s population via aerosolized sprays. This means particles entering the body via breathing, and what lodges in the mouth or sinuses often gets washed down the throat into the digestive system for elimination. Having said that, it has been discovered that components of the current idea of mRNA, tend to get destroyed in the digestive system at multiple points along the way, and if they somehow survive that, they get destroyed in the liver. So ingesting the “vaxx” is not a good vector to use if “vaxx”ing the population is the goal. But with SV40 found in the “vaxx”, and with Gates predicting it as a possible pandemic, aersolized methods for mass uptake are tempting. Futile, but tempting. It doesn’t help that polio is one of Gate’s pet projects to work on, so seeing it in the list of viruses that can lead to encephalitis is not a surprise.

eMedicineHealth lists rabies as a viral infection that can affect the brain.

” It is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected animal or, in rare instances, by an inhalation of airborne viral particles in bat-infested caves or by laboratory workers.”

Lab workers???

eMedicine also says this about AIDS causing encephalitis:

“AIDS and HIV encephalitis (also known as AIDS dementia) is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV can directly infect the central nervous system, causing a range of neurologic conditions. The most common is so-called AIDS dementia. It is characterized by the slow onset of behavioral, intellectual, and motor impairment. Early symptoms include confusion, loss of libido, social withdrawal, decreased concentration, poor balance, and weakness. Psychiatric problems are common. In the late stage, severe dementia, inability to control urine flow, and an inability to speak and walk may occur. The treatment includes standard antiretroviral drugs for HIV with variable results.”

St Luke’s does however, make a claim that should also ring a red bell against the backdrop of the covid “vaxx” and something doctors are now labelling VIAIDS, or vaxx-induced acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

“Full recovery from encephalitis can take weeks or months. People recovering from serious cases may have complications ranging from fatigue and trouble concentrating to tremors and personality changes.

The most severe problems from encephalitis come from the destruction of nerve cells in the brain. Complications depend on the person’s immune system — whether it is healthy or weak — and what infection caused the encephalitis. For example, many of those infected with Eastern equine encephalitis and St. Louis encephalitis have permanent brain damage, including problems with memory, speech, vision, hearing, muscle control, and sensation, and a low survival rate. Those infected with Epstein-Barr or varicella zoster rarely have any serious complications.

Most cases of encephalitis are mild and people make a full recovery.”

Other sources listing causes for encephalitis, including research papers, list off rabies and AIDS/HIV as causes as well, and lump rabies into the actual list of encephalitis viruses. Upon further consideration of behaviours typically associated with rabies, including the idea that it makes a person “mad” or “rabid” in a violent, dangerous manner, one can see how it is included in that grouping.

Interestingly enough, diseases known to cause viral forms of encephalitis are also single-strand RNA viruses. I discuss protections against single-strand RNA viruses in my article on foods that deal with Henipa Virus. I went looking for a simple list of RNA viruses that have been researched since the 1800’s, but the closest I can come are sample lists on Wikipedia. There are citations there to quoted resources, so check out the resources for further information related to these lists.

In the positive strand group of single-strand RNA viruses, we have:
Hepatitis C virus, West Nile virus, dengue virus, and the MERS, SARS, and SARS-CoV-2 coronaviruses,[3] as well as less clinically serious pathogens such as the coronaviruses and rhinoviruses that cause the common cold.[4][5][6]”

In the negative strand group of single-strand RNA viruses, we have:

” Rift Valley fever virus, the Ebola virus, hantaviruses, influenza viruses, the Lassa fever virus, and the rabies virus.”

Many of these have already been discussed in articles around my site one way or another, and I link to them in the above quotes for your perusal. Many of these fall into a group of encephalitis-causing viruses known as the secondary infection viruses because they can start somewhere else in the body and make their way to the brain. The flu and respiratory viruses for example, begin in the sinuses, throat or lungs, and travel from there through the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system.

Primary infection viruses begin in the brain or central nervous system directly. Those that are known as fevers such as ebola, lassa, or dengue, start in the head and can have disastrous results around the body, largely in a neurological fashion. However, hemorrhagic fevers such as ebola, dengue, malaria, and others may also be parasitic, bacterial or cause severe anti-platelet activity resulting in haemorrhaging and/or internal bleeding.

So what’s to be done about these infections, and why did a horse malady lead to single-strand RNA viruses?!

As already hinted several times with links to other articles, the covid “vaxx” has been repeatedly observed to contain elements of various potential health problems. The first to rear its head was HIV during the Australian rollout of the “vaxx” in fall of 2020. Prion concerns began to surface. SV40 was found as a partial string that if completed in the recipient, would result in polio-like health issues or worse, hemmorhagic fever. The “vaxx”, regardless of manufacturer, appears to be lowering and messing with people’s immune systems, resulting in what has become known as “vaxx” induced acquired immune deficiency syndrom, or VIAIDS for short. You’ll notice many of the descriptions earlier around causes of encephalitis, kept including observations that severe symptoms were more likely to show up in those with compromised or unhealthy immune systems, or those who already suffer auto-immune diseases.

EDIT September 13, 2024

Further to the issue of “vaxx-caused” auto-immunity situations, is this report coming out of InfoWars where they share a victim’s pyschosis:

“Of note, the patient in question received a viral vector-based Covid vaccination. AstraZeneca and J&J Covid shots are viral vector-based.

“Considering the limited data, in this report we present a case of new onset psychosis, following the use of Covishield vaccine [local version of AstraZeneca’s Vaxzevria (Adenovirus vector vaccine)],” the case study said in the ‘Case Description’ section.

Interestingly, Infowars recently reported that viral vector Covid vaccines have a higher rate of triggering neurological conditions when compared to the mRNA-based injections, albeit by a small margin.

The researchers pointed out that other non-Covid vaccinations have been documented to trigger psychosis as well and explained the root biological cause as possibly being autoimmune encephalitis. Encephalitis is the swelling of the brain, in this case, being triggered by an autoimmune response to the vaccine.”

The article above contains a large number of links to other news articles, research papers, CDC information, and more for your perusal.  Suffice to say, as this is a recent story as of the date of this edit, that we have not yet plumbed all the ways the “vaxx” will be harming people.  But certainly “vaxx” induced acquired immune deficiency will be putting people on the immuno-compromised list for sure.

end edit

Monkeypox is now being used as a cover for shingles outbreaks among the “vaxxed” population with the real pox only affecting those who engage in alternative lifestyles and promiscuity. It wouldn’t be far fetched to think that the string pullers are now aware that severe neurological disorders from the “vaxx” are going to become so widespread and lethally affect so many people, that they have to find a cover story for it, and have chosen Eastern Equine Encephalitis as that cover. I strongly suspect this will be the case.

Those who are saying that EEE will come from Bill Gate’s ill-informed mosquitoe escapades may not necessarily be wrong, but as with ebola a few years back, and with monkeypox currently, the threat will be so overblown that either everyone will see through it, or adverse events from the “vaxx” will explode in intensity to nearly mimic this form of encephalitis.

As you have seen reading the various descriptions of encephalitis causes and the notes about who will suffer the worst of the symptoms, it is important to ensure that you prepare yourself in case you end up under one of Bill Gate’s mosquitoe dumps. If you are also “vaxxed”, you need to double down on preventive care even more!

Task number one is to ensure you have a strong, healthy immune system heading into the fall season. There are foods, herbs and spices that can aid you in this endeavour.

When life hands you a lemonFoods such as alfalfa, arrowleaf balsamroot, broccoli, chives, cranberries, echinacea, elderberry, flax, garlic, ginseng, goldenrod, grapes, lemons, nettle, olive oil, pumpkin seeds, spinach, walnuts, and the artemisia family are all good examples for boosting your immune system.

Task number two is to ensure your gut-brain axis is healthy and strong as well. Much of what the brain needs is prepared and delivered from the gut, so ensure your gut is working at optimal efficiency. There are many good resources out there to help you maintain or rebuild your gut’s efficiency and health. I’ve written about this issue as well, from a wholefood perspective.

Rebuild and maintain your gut’s microbiome with apples, bananas, barley, garlic, butter, yogurt (active bacterial), onions (such as sourkraut), and Oil of Oregano to help kill off bad bacteria while leaving the healthy ones intact.

Task number three is to fortify your nervous system and lymphatic system. This means ensuring you are getting enough electrolytes and essential fatty acids, as well as getting a decent amount of saturated animal fat to help insulate your nerves. Black pepper in combination with turmeric is a great fortifier of the nervous system as well as a strong weapon against inflammation.

Other foods that benefit the nervous system, and specifically the central nervous system, include almonds, apples, avocado, banana, barley, black beans, blueberries, cashews, cinnamon, cranberries, hazelnuts, kiwi, peaches, peanuts, pistachios, strawberries and walnuts.

Notice that some of these foods are already well known to benefit the brain.

Essential fatty acids include your Omega 3’s, such as avocados, chia seeds, eggs, beef and pork, nettle, peanuts, pumpkin seeds and walnuts.

Saturated fats include coconut oil, eggs, nuts, beef, chicken and pork, butter, milk, cheese and yogurt, nettle, olive oil, pumpkin seeds, etc.

If you should come down with enough of the symptom list to wonder if you’ve contracted one of the viral causes of encephalitis, catch it early with foods that block RNA transcription, and that keep inflammation to a useful level such as the use of Oil of Oregano or Echinacea.

Examples of RNA-inhibitors include black pepper, mushrooms, nigella sativa, onions, parsley, rhubarb, strawberries, thyme, tomatoes and yarrow.

Anti-inflammatories show up in many foods, but examples include:

alfalfa, apples, avocado, beets, black pepper, blueberries, cabbage, cherries, cinnamon, dandelion, echinacea, gc, fennel, elderberry, grapes, lemons, licorice root, yogurt, mint, mustard, nettle, nutmeg, onions, olives, oregano, parsley, pineapples, rosemary, St John’s Wort, strawberries, thyme, turmeric, walnuts, the artemisia family, and yarrow.

If you have a compromised immune system and your efforts at task number one have only been partially or marginally successful, you are at the front of the line to be ensuring that if you get a full-blown case of viral encephalitis, that you are tamping down any cytokine storms just as you had to do during the pandemic. If your immune system is healthy and threatening to go overboard, tamp down on the cytokine storms as well. There are foods, herbs and spices that can assist with this task in the linked article in the last third of the article.

Follow common sense advice in keeping high fever at bay. You want the virus to burn itself out for sure, but not at the expense of brain damage!

Old herbal medicine books ranging from ancient Rome to the 1600’s shared some of their herbal recommendations for those who suffered symptoms similar to what we call encephalitis today. It bears saying that just because we invented the term “virus” in the 1800’s, doesn’t mean such conditions didn’t exist prior to those discoveries. It just means we decided to give them a name and classification. Here are some of the recommendations these old books offered:

  • beet juice: headaches, swimmings, turnings of the brain, good against all venomous creatures
  • lavender: griefs and pains of the head and brain, sluggish malady, convulsions, and frequent faintings
  • Sweet Clover: mitigates headaches, preserving from pain in apoplexy
  • Cow parsnip: seed and root boiled in oil and rubbed on the head helps frenzy, lethargy, fatigue, chronic headache. use it with rue? (wild rue good for herpes and headaches) good for epilepsy
  • Plantain: helps lunatic and frantic persons very much, bitings of serpants or mad dog.
  • rosemary: giddiness or swimmings of the brain, drowsiness, dullness of mind, senses like stupidness, loss of speech, lethargy, weak memory, quickens senses
  • vervain: eases chronic pains and ache of the head, good for those who are frantic, anxiety/panic,
  • Box thorn: treats sickness of the head
  • Aloe: headaches
  • Thyme: convulsions, soothes headaches, lethargy and frenzy

Anywhere you see “mad dog” or “bitings of mad dog” in the list above, you are seeing references to what we now call Rabies. Considering rabies is a disease that affects the brain in an encephalitis manner, further foods were mentioned by Dr Culpepper in his book: The Complete Herbal. I added whether or not the foods were used internally or topically. Most of the time, internal use was by decoction or infusion that was drunk. Topical use was generally in the form of a poultice or oil infusion applied to the skin over the affected area. His list sampling is:

all heal
angelica: topical
balm: topical and internal
wood betany: topical and internal
burdock: topical
holy thistle: drink
dwarf elder: internal
fig tree: topical
gentian: topical
plantain: topical
walnut/onions/salt/honey internal
wheat: topical
hound’s tongue: topical
mint: topical with salt
nettle seed: drink
onions: topical
pimpernel: drink

Notice how similar his list is to some of the lists I’ve offered?

Organic Facts offers a range of foods and herbs that can be used to prevent or heal from West Nile, one of the viruses that can cause encephalitis. Some of the foods they mention are as follows:


” in the case of West Nile virus, its antiviral and diaphoretic nature makes it a very effective treatment. Not only do the active ingredients in rosemary seek out viruses and neutralize them, it also helps to open pores and stimulate sweating, which can quickly detoxify the body and eliminate the virus before it has a chance to do major harm. [4]”


“can stimulate the production of white blood cells and has natural antibacterial and antiviral capabilities that can prevent contraction of the virus. [5]”
“Not only does it help to detoxify the body by stimulating the kidneys and liver, it also soothes aching muscles and reduces fever, two of the main symptoms of West Nile virus. Furthermore, ginger’s natural antioxidant qualities can help prevent the manifestation of more serious symptoms. [6]”

Green tea

“gives the immune system a boost, flushes the system of negative toxins, stimulates the metabolism, and reduces inflammation, headaches, and fever, all of which are common complaints of those suffering from mild forms of West Nile virus. [7]”

dandelion root:

“very helpful for flushing out the toxins in the body that can complicate a West Nile virus infection. Additionally, the organic compounds found in dandelion root stimulate the liver and the lymphatic system, which will handle the pathogen, break it down into non-threatening materials, and then eliminate the viral toxins. [8]”

8 Effective Home Remedies for West Nile Virus

They go on to say:

“The most effective remedies for West Nile virus include the use of . . . red clover, dandelion root, echinacea, mushrooms, rosemary, ginger, garlic, green tea, astragalus root, lemongrass, and eucalyptus, but the most important strategy is prevention.”

Because meningitis can occur simultaneously with encephalitis, Dr Axe recommends:

“. . . some ways to manage meningitis symptoms like headaches, neck stiffness, fever and body aches:

~ Get plenty of sleep. Keep your bedroom or home comfortable by keeping the temperature low and limiting strong light that can trigger headaches.
~ Try natural pain relievers for your neck or head including applying peppermint essential oil to the sore area. You can also sit in a soaking bath with Epsom salts, and if you’d like some added essential oil like lavender oil to reduce tension.
~ Try gentle massage and applying ice packs to achy areas in order to improve blood flow and decrease swelling.
~ Prevent dehydration by drinking enough water throughout the day or fluids like coconut milk and herbal tea. Eat water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables if possible. You can also sip on a fruit smoothie, bone broth or soup to stay hydrated if your stomach can tolerate it.”

Prevent & Manage Meningitis Symptoms 5 Natural Ways

If you can’t get control of these symptoms on your own, seek out medical attention from a trusted alternative medicine source. Some sources say that if you’ve suffered a bad bout of encephalitis and lived to tell the tale, you may find yourself hampered in some way moving forward, due to the damage your brain and central nervous system suffered while ill.

A support website for encephalitis sufferers, lists off what others have said to encourage recovery:

““Try to be patient and kind to yourself, don’t expect too much too soon. Take all the help you are offered. Sleep as much as your body tells you it needs to and try to accept your new normal, one day at a time. Recovery isn’t always in a straight line, it can be backwards and forwards”.

“Be patient, don’t push yourself too hard too soon. Your brain needs time and rest to heal as best as it possibly can. If you suffer with memory loss keep a diary, set alarms on your phone and repetitiveness really helps to trigger the memory. Don’t turn away help, support will mean the world to you. Most of all stay strong and determined”.

“Get support from people that know what they are talking about, not many health professionals will come across encephalitis so don’t assume they know what they are talking about. Never feel bad to question. Allow time and don’t look too far ahead as everyone’s journey is different.””

The same site makes the following nutritional recommendations:

“Deficiencies in the intake of some nutrients can impact brain functioning. Vitamins ( A, B, B1, B6, B12, E, acid folic) and minerals (iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc) that are important are found in products such as vegetables, fruits, grains, lean meats, poultry, fish, beans and pulses and dairy products.”

In addition to adjusting how you think about your progress or lack of it while healing, make sure you are supporting your nervous system, lymphatic system, liver and urinary systems more than usual. Be careful with staying on anti-inflammatories for too long. Even food-based and herbal anti-inflammatories can cause digestive upset or even ulcers if doses are too high for too long. Give your digestive system a break for a few days every couple weeks. Wean yourself off high-dose anti-inflammatory foods and herbs slowly until such foods and herbs are back down to regular diet levels.

Just as with a concussion and the inflammation that can occur in the brain from concussive injury, the brain will heal, but it will take time. You may have observed that some of the symptoms of encephalitis sound very similar to migraines or concussion symptoms such as light sensitivity, problems speaking or coordination issues. Treating your convalescence as if you’d suffered a concussion or migraine, will be helpful.

Time to build your grocery list again.

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