New Year, New Path to Natural Health!

New Year, New Path to Natural Health!

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Writing down your goalsApproaching a new year always means assessing what worked over the past year, noting what didn’t work, and seeing what can be improved upon.

As with many practices in the world of alternative medicine, my client intake form is several pages long and takes roughly 15 minutes to fill out in person with a pen. While some have done this, others have taken the form home, and I’ve never seen it again. Conversely, there have been people who downloaded the form from my FREE Session page, and I never heard from them either. One lady at one time, was able to print it out, but rather than scan it back into her computer, she took photos and sent me those while another got her husband to scan it at work to send to me.

I have come to the realization, that as technically forward as most of us are these days, as much as we do business online far more than we ever did in the past, there are some tasks that are still considered “too much work”, and it becomes a barrier to obtaining service.

An ad for an e-signature company reminded me of this dilemma, and as I was researching whether the ad’s claims were true or not (they were not), it dawned on me, that expecting people to simply scan and return their form to make use of my services, as simple as it is in most cases, is honestly daunting for some! So I went beyond proving claims to seeing if there was a way I could offer electronic filling and signing of my form direct from my website.

What I learned was interesting, to put it mildly. On the one hand, service subscriptions by those offering e-signature services, have come down for some companies, while others continue to feel a business owner should pay over $300/year for the convenience of offering e-signing to their customers. I also learned that many companies now offer tiny free plans (at least from a send and receive focus rather than a self-sign focus). Some of those companies offer the ability to embed the form you create, into your website. Most of those companies want you to upgrade before you can embed a link to your form on your website, but a couple allow this on their free plan, with monthly limits.

Thanks to those monthly limits, I’ve placed my Client Intake Form onto an e-sign page from both companies. If one runs into it’s quota, hopefully the other will still be available. Failing that, I am able to send e-sign requests by email as well. Hopefully this reduces how many people access my intake form and walk away because they don’t know how or don’t have access to the tech required to print, fill, scan, and send it back to me.

One service in the e-signature arena, out of Taiwan, bothers me however, and that is SelfieSign! They offer the ability to use video of the person’s face to back up authenticity of the signature! This is too on the nose for what string pullers want governments doing, where my local BC Services phone app that I removed off my phone, wanted you to take selfie video giving several views of your face as proof you are you to access BC services from your phone! With what they want to do around biometric verification, NO! 1000 tiimes NO!

Biblical Natural Health CoachingNot only do I say no to that for myself, but I say no to that for my natural health clients too! I won’t insist that you get trapped into a system you’ll have trouble getting out of later! That isn’t natural! My desire is to remove some of the steps in the process of getting the help you need in a way that doesn’t cost you a post office stamp or a courier envelope.

Now when you visit my FREE Session page, you have the option to download, fill, print, sign, scan, and email back to me your Client Intake Packet, OR, you can click the e-signature link to fill it out right there in your browser and send it to me that way. If both sets of forms say they are over quota, just drop me a line requesting the e-signature link and fill it out in your browser directly from that link in your email. If you are reaching out to me over DM on a social platform, the link can be given to you that way as well.

Save a stamp, save a headache, and start working with me as your Biblical Natural Health Coach in 2025!

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