Category: <span>Recipes</span>

Curly Dock Chocolate Chip Cookies

Yes, I made chocolate chip cookies using curly dock seed flour! Of course there was more to it than that, when you learn to cook with wild provisions, there’s always more to it. The recipe I modified came from Detoxinista. I don’t have coconut sugar in the house, so I …

Making Chokecherry Juice Concentrate, and a Lesson!

(note: images are clickable so you can see them full size. Just remember to hit your browser’s back button to return to this page) So chokecherries, and cherries in general show up in so many recommended sample food lists across this site, that I decided to show you how I …

Fir (and Pine) Mugolio

Two days after the first jar’s July 30th check date, and 14 days before the other three jar’s check date, I decided to finish the fir mugolio. My reason for doing so is that the sugar slush appeared to be solidified across the bottom of the jars, and there was …

Canada Thistle Flower Bud Cheese Dip (cold)

Ever since I started foraging, I’ve been hearing occasionally about using burdock flower buds and thistle flower buds in place of artichoke to make wild artichoke dip.  Several times I brought home some burdock thinking I’d try this.  Life would get in the way, the burdock stems would dry out, …

More Adventures in Baking With Curly Dock Flour – Tortilla???

Last week I made a batch of my usual flatbread, substituting half the flour for curly dock flour and carrying on as normal. While they baked up fine, they were flatter as baking powder is not formulated for wild flour, and hardly rose while baking. This week, I made another …

When a Picture is Worth More than Just Words – Glycerine Tincture-Making

We have just successfully made a non-vanilla-bean vanilla extract!  We have another non-vanilla-bean-extract experiment going now as well with a different plant.  That plant, according to Edible and Medicinal Plants of Canada by Lonepine Publishing, is still used today to lend a vanilla flavour to sweets and such, so when …

SUCCESS! Trying to Make a Curly Dock Bread!

So I began my curly dock “bread” experiments this weekend, on Friday. Some out there skip the toasting step and go straight to the blender step because as one lady put it, “they’ve already dried on the stalk, no need to dry them further”. I decided to test that theory. …

Oatmeal and Wild Herbs

My daughter’s been on a bit of an oatmeal kick lately. She already eats a handful raw with nuts and dried fruit every morning while her brother makes himself porridge every workday. But we were talking about bread alternatives when the subject of the original scottish bannock came up. It …

Adventures in Making a Giant Cinnamon Roll

Today I tried making a giant cinnamon roll! There are various recipes out there, but I didn’t want a yeast dough, so eventually I found this recipe. The original recipe calls for an 8″ cake pan, and that didn’t seem very giant to me, skillet cookies take up an entire …

Poutine Without the Fries! But not necessarily without the potatoe. . .

Every now and then, I have no choice but to experiment in the kitchen! I’m not a chef by any means, nor do I particularly love being in the kitchen. This means meals are fairly simple and plain for the most part, unless its festive time when I attempt a …