Category: <span>Taming the Cupboard</span>

Foraging Escapades Again, Conifer Sweetness, and Fall Forecast

Finally getting around to sharing how this week’s foraging run went, and current challenges and escapades. Foraging this week was on Sunday, and the intention was two-fold: get more chokecherry berry twigs with their leaves and berries, and get more goldenrod. A third goal was to get more hawthorn berry …

Making Chokecherry Juice Concentrate, and a Lesson!

(note: images are clickable so you can see them full size. Just remember to hit your browser’s back button to return to this page) So chokecherries, and cherries in general show up in so many recommended sample food lists across this site, that I decided to show you how I …

Chokecherry Harvest Has Begun!

Today’s foraging run was all about the chokecherries! Many of the trees are only half-ready to pick at this time, but others are fully ready, some Pin (red) and some Black. Some bushes put out tiny berries, but most of them are putting out really fat, plump berries this year! …

Drowning in Barn Foraging and Late Summer Forecast

I’ll show pictures here to prove it!  The sand patch we use as an exercise ring for Bella, has threatened to overgrow in Lamb’s Quarters this summer! This was how that patch looked in the fall. The hint of green in the foreground is now quite a thick patch of …

Fir (and Pine) Mugolio

Two days after the first jar’s July 30th check date, and 14 days before the other three jar’s check date, I decided to finish the fir mugolio. My reason for doing so is that the sugar slush appeared to be solidified across the bottom of the jars, and there was …

Conifer Amusement and Syrup Experiments

Brought home some very “fat” green fir cones from the barn last night! By “fat”, I mean literally dripping with sap, using the term the same way very sappy wood is known as “fat”. The tree that we got them from not only was very generous in popping them off …

Kelowna’s Silent Creep Toward 15 Minute Cities (Where You Live and Work Part Two)

First I wrote about Edmonton and Calgary, the international C40 mayor’s organization that is heavily pushing the idea of 15 minute cities, also called Smart Cities. Well, things are happening around the Central Okanagan of British Columbia as well, just not pushed as openly as they’ve done in the province …

Musings on the Rhythms of Life, and a little Foraging too

Today’s foraging run will probably be the only one for this week, unless Ashley surprises me and decides to head out to an area we can walk to, on Canada Day, July 1st. We were both tired today, so only a couple photos, with one showing several of the plants …

More Home-side Foraging Escapades. . .

It’s Friday, and I’m exhausted. . . Thursday was my sort-of do-nothing day as I processed two trays of peppergrass, fluffed and condensed some of the trays from Monday’s foraging run, figured out where to put a tray of squat, wide-mouth mason jars we’d been given, and then at the …

Canada Thistle Flower Bud Cheese Dip (cold)

Ever since I started foraging, I’ve been hearing occasionally about using burdock flower buds and thistle flower buds in place of artichoke to make wild artichoke dip.  Several times I brought home some burdock thinking I’d try this.  Life would get in the way, the burdock stems would dry out, …