Advanced Foraging Workshop – Purslane pesto, chimichurri, etc

Advanced Foraging Workshop - Purslane pesto, chimichurri, etc

Advanced Foraging Workshop - Purslane pesto, chimichurri, etc

July 19, 2025

July 19th, we discover the flavours and a couple uses of Purslane, a succulent that grows around the Central Okanagan.

We will go out to forage the herb, and then return to learn about it and make a pesto and a chimichurri dish.. These too can be enjoyed with the thistle spears we learned how to make last month.

Prepare for 4 to 6 hours spent foraging, creating and learning!

You'll get to take some of each spread.

Review full details of this year's advanced foraging workshops, as well as information around dates, registrations, cancellations, etc.

Register here before July 5th or send your $60 registration fee by e-transfer to

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