Biblical Natural Health Coaching

Free Tools



For the Kids

Satisfaction Pie PDF

Enjoy this fun little Satisfaction Pie and find out who or what is eating your pie!

Colouring pages. 

Right-click to open in a new tab, then print out to a regular letter size sheet of paper.

colouring pg crab apple
colouring pg crab apple

colouring pg arrowleaf balsamroot
colouring pg arrowleaf balsamroot
pox grocery list - S.M.A.R.T. Biblical Natural Health Coach, Marilynn Dawson, NHPSample *Pox Grocery List

Built from my article on various herbal treatments of pox through the years.

Click the image to open a larger version of it that you can download and print to 8.5×11 paper.

colouring pg the portal
colouring pg the portal

Food As Medicine in the Nuclear Age Food Chart

Built from my article by a similar name:  Medicine under a Radioactive Cloud

colouring pg chokecherry
colouring pg chokecherry

Printable holiday grocery list
Print to 8.5×11 sheet of paper. Click to download the PDF

Holiday Grocery List

Built from my article:  Be a Rebel and Enjoy the Holidays!

Click the image to download and print, or click the grocery list link to print the PDF

Homeschooling your child(ren)?

  • Have them research the plant they chose to colour.
  • Add the plant’s name to your weekly spelling list.

If they chose The Portal, have them write a short story about The Portal.

  • How did it come to be?
  • What’s on the other side?
  • They can be quite literal and examine the image for clues to how The Portal may have formed in real life, or they can be imaginative and write a fictional piece about it.
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