Tag: <span>aspirin</span>

Eliquis – Part 1: Three Drugs That Drain the Bank, and the Foods that Do Similar Tasks

A list of crazy-expensive drugs showed up in an article on CTV recently.  These drugs cover three very common issues most people seem to face at one time in their lives or another, or they know someone afflicted by them. These three drugs cost more than “an arm and a …

Medically-induced Suggestibility? Two Studies May be Hinting at Behavioural Side Effects.

Has Big Pharma been engaging in low-level individual decision-making? From 2017:  “One study reported that subjects who took 1,000 mg of Tylenol (only one third of the “safe” daily dose) exhibited decreased empathy and other positive emotions, and “blunted evaluation sensitivity to both negative and positive stimuli.”[5] (footnote worth reading) …