Tag: <span>behaviour</span>

Ocular Herbal Healing for Human and Horse

The idea of potentially doing a workshop around herbs for you and your horse, got another boost this winter. For those who have been following me awhile, you’ll know that near the tail end of 2020, we downsized into a fifth wheel to tiny home not only our lives, but …

Behavioural Science and Your Health

Seven months ago according to MeWe, and June 6th according to the Rebel news article I shared that day, I wrote about government-mandated behaviour modification techniques.   I just tried to access the tender bid URL from a US IP address, and got this error message: “This site can’t be reachedbuyandsell.gc.ca’s …

Electric Thoughts about The Law of Attraction

It’s the beginning of 2023, and I’ve discovered Orthomolecular.org, which defines “orthomolecular” translationally as “nutritional medicine” and transliterally as “the right/correct molecule”. The term was coined by Dr Linus Pauling Phd, in 1968 in his article “Orthomolecular Psychiatry”. The website has kept a running journal ever since then, though link-readable …

The World, The Water, and The Word

One of the ways to deal with depression brought on by stress, emotional situations, health struggles, etc, is to obtain a different perspective on the issue feeding the depression. As many know in my Natural Health, God’s Way groups on social media, I’ve been rather busy with the wild harvest …

Is it the Food? Or is it Something Else?

Recently, the corn article where it was discovered that corn caused one lady’s son to become irritable, irrational and easily angered, has been going around again (showed up twice on my desktop yesterday). I got thinking about the role of food in our human growth and development one night when …

Raising Kids With Parents, or Drugs?

Hyoscyamus, is it appropriate to treat ADHD? Many of the symptoms given in the linked article, are produced by a lack of teaching and training when the child is at the young enough stage where most parents just laugh at their antics and don’t bother teaching them what is right …

Boundaries! Pandemic! and the Single Mom Who Works From Home

We are talking about the necessity and benefits of establishing boundaries for ourselves and our kids. As business-minded, entrepreneurial Christian single moms, building in mostly-non-negotiable boundaries benefits us in several ways: 1) We get time for work, devotional time, or housework 2) The kids get alone time to daydream, get …