Tag: <span>burdock</span>

Gut Mucous a Marker of Health, and the Plants that Aid in Maintaining it

Congratulations to the local university in discovering a way to test intestinal mucous without invasive procedures to the patient. However, simply seeing mucous in the stool with the naked eye, no microscope required, can be an indication of what is going on in the gut. “MUC2 is like the silent …

Wild Adventures Part 5: Chokecherry Escapades!

The wild adventures continue!  This past week, my daughter and I brought home quite a bit more chokecherry than we’d originally planned!  The original plan was to get nettle, and it took several days even before THAT came home.  But the day we intended to get nettle, we realized a …

Wild Adventures Part 2 – Taste-tests as the Research Continues

So far in our research and taste-testing, we pretty much have the makings of a spinach salad replacement figured out.  Everyone has taste-tested Dandelion leaves, Dandelion flowers, chickweed, plantain, and purslane.  Based on the research I’ve been putting into these plants and creating a spreadsheet to compare nutritional value, uses, …