Tag: <span>colds</span>

Incoming Rant! Don’t Let the Contrived Medication Shortage Hold Your Health Hostage!

Today’s rant is brought to you by the good little lemmings in the mainstream medical and mainstream news generation departments.  The news article in question, interviews various pharmacists and pharmacy manufacturer and distributor outlets.  They make no mention of mandated worker or delivery-hampered reasons.  They refuse to connect any dots …

Be a Rebel and Enjoy the Holidays! Ways to Have Fun and Stay Healthy This Season!

“Hundreds of medications are either running low or out of stock completely, with some store shelves depleted of children’s allergy medication, adult cough and cold syrup, eye drops and even some oral antibiotics, industry experts say.” https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/drug-shortages-worsen-across-canada-extend-beyond-kids-pain-and-fever-meds-1.6154117 Yet more criminal behaviour from the string pullers as they seek to feed …