Tag: <span>cysteine</span>

Chernobyl, Radiation, and What a Soy Bean Experiment Taught Us!

They say curiosity killed the cat. But in this case, curiosity may very well have provided a very big hint as to compounds available in our food, that just may protect us from nuclear radiation. A May 15, 2009 article shares how two scientists got curious as to how and …

When the Conditions a Set of Nutrients Treats, Span Similar Ailments

Back in 2006, Orthomolecular.org released this quote in a news article: “(OMNS, April 26, 2006) New clinical reports from Zambia, Uganda and South Africa indicate that AIDS may be stopped by nutritional supplementation. A number of members of the medical profession have observed that high doses of the trace element …

From Lead to Cocoa, the Cysteine Connection

Today is one of those “Connect the Dots” pages out of an activity colouring book. I normally begin my articles with what caused the trail around the page, but today, I’m going to share the dots, and then connect them instead. Very similar to some of my puzzle piece research …

Medically-induced Suggestibility? Two Studies May be Hinting at Behavioural Side Effects.

Has Big Pharma been engaging in low-level individual decision-making? From 2017:  “One study reported that subjects who took 1,000 mg of Tylenol (only one third of the “safe” daily dose) exhibited decreased empathy and other positive emotions, and “blunted evaluation sensitivity to both negative and positive stimuli.”[5] (footnote worth reading) …