Tag: <span>dried</span>

Chokecherry Harvest Has Begun!

Today’s foraging run was all about the chokecherries! Many of the trees are only half-ready to pick at this time, but others are fully ready, some Pin (red) and some Black. Some bushes put out tiny berries, but most of them are putting out really fat, plump berries this year! …

Papaya Dewormer Tea and Decoction

Today’s recipe share comes on the heals of others who have been discovering the benefits of Papaya, particularly in light of the new(ish) threat to those living in the Southern USA.  I say new(ish) because North American natives had recipes for addressing this condition back before the USA became a …

Becoming a Culinary Rebel: Dried Herbs and Spices vs Traditional Ways

Do you have a picky eater in your home? In my home, although he’s 28yrs old, my son is that picky eater! Last year sometime, I was rather encouraged by a study Mercola found: herbs-and-spices-lower-blood-pressure-pdf, where researchers discovered that merely encouraging participants to season their food with any of several …