Tag: <span>Finding Rest</span>

Become the After-School Activity Rebel

#Thrive Thursday: Yes, this is a day late, but that’s what adrenal fatigue can do to you. When you face physical health challenges, you need to be wise with what you can and can’t do and with this particular challenge, you can go for days feeling relatively fine until you …

Including God in The Three Envelopes

One of the resources we as SMART Moms have at our disposal, is the resource called Prayer! This week we are talking about the three envelopes method of learning how to manage household finances. It is typical that one of those envelopes, the one labelled “Giving”, contain at minimum, 10% …

Boundaries! Pandemic! and the Single Mom Who Works From Home

We are talking about the necessity and benefits of establishing boundaries for ourselves and our kids. As business-minded, entrepreneurial Christian single moms, building in mostly-non-negotiable boundaries benefits us in several ways: 1) We get time for work, devotional time, or housework 2) The kids get alone time to daydream, get …

The Need and Necessity of Setting Boundaries for Yourself and Your Children

https://youtu.be/O2ao37bTj4I   Today we are continuing our conversation around boundaries building further on a previous blog post, the necessity of instilling boundaries for yourself and your children. We discussed some of the many benefits of those boundaries for your children directly.  Many parents don’t have boundaries for their kids because …

Routines are Important! Particularly in Crisis!

Many of us find ourselves dealing with multiple crises now. How do we handle this? Here are lessons I learned raising two kids alone:   When life throws your household for a spin, keep as many of your household routines going as you can. This will give subconscious assent to …

Gathering as a Family for Mealtimes

Monday #Momday: Remember our new identity statement that showed up a couple weeks ago? [bctt tweet=”The SMART Christian single Mom is a Godly, intentional, single mother wisely and carefully using the resources of time and money God has given her to manage the needs of her house and home well.” …

Guest Blog: Katie Tippett Introduces Selah ~ Pause and Praise

Five years ago, I put my fussy baby in the car and started driving. She didn’t want to nap, but she was just so tired. And sometimes a car ride would soothe her. I had so much to do, but she was screaming, and I was desperate for just a …

When God Asks – Who Are You?

Exert from Becoming the Bride of Christ: A Personal Journey – Volume One: I had a short daydream (yes, this author is a dreamer) as I was loading the washing machine one day. I’m one of those people happiest when I’m busy doing things in, around, or for God’s House …

It Was Over. . . and then He Hugged Me!

I found myself staring at papers suing me for divorce and custody of my two small children. A visit to a lawyer revealed that if I wanted any hope of raising my children, I needed to counter-sue. But f I was to counter-sue for divorce, a nightmares shouted, I’d lose …

Because of Christ’s Victory over Sin, You can Tune out Entitlement and Tune in to Serve

Today is Sonday on the Facebook page and group, a day to consider all that God is teaching us, speaking to us about, Scripture verses, worship songs, etc. I shared on Friday how through Christ’s death and resurrection, we have a new advantage over the problems sin brings into our …