Tag: <span>ginger</span>

Adventures in Making a Giant Cinnamon Roll

Today I tried making a giant cinnamon roll! There are various recipes out there, but I didn’t want a yeast dough, so eventually I found this recipe. The original recipe calls for an 8″ cake pan, and that didn’t seem very giant to me, skillet cookies take up an entire …

Gut Mucous a Marker of Health, and the Plants that Aid in Maintaining it

Congratulations to the local university in discovering a way to test intestinal mucous without invasive procedures to the patient. However, simply seeing mucous in the stool with the naked eye, no microscope required, can be an indication of what is going on in the gut. “MUC2 is like the silent …

Paraquat and Everyone’s Favourite Beans! The Connection Stinks!

So it appears, that what glyphosate has done to wheat gluten, causing celiacs, chron’s patients, and others to claim that they are gluten-intolerant when in fact they are glyphosate-intolerant, the same has been happening to the lectins found in legumes and potatoes since the early 2000’s according to a June …

Cancer In the Jab and How to Deal With It

September 19th, Infowars published an article sharing testimony from the USA’s top toxicologist, urging senators to halt the covid “vaxx” due to the presence of SV40 sequences that had been known to cause cancer in polio shot recipients in the past. SV40 is short for Simian Hemmorhagic Fever, and Simian …

Weight Loss and Diabetes, Factors That Lead to Them, and Food as Medicine

Diabetes, a blood sugar problem with various causes, including and most importantly by insulin resistance created when the pancreas feels it has to continually kick out high levels of insulin, or created when the pancreas can’t kick out enough insulin to address blood sugar levels, seems to be on the …

Be a Rebel and Enjoy the Holidays! Ways to Have Fun and Stay Healthy This Season!

“Hundreds of medications are either running low or out of stock completely, with some store shelves depleted of children’s allergy medication, adult cough and cold syrup, eye drops and even some oral antibiotics, industry experts say.” https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/drug-shortages-worsen-across-canada-extend-beyond-kids-pain-and-fever-meds-1.6154117 Yet more criminal behaviour from the string pullers as they seek to feed …

Food as Medicine Under a Radioactive Cloud

With North Korea, Russia, the USA, waving around their nuclear sabres, and with Iran loudly proclaiming to Israel that they will have their own soon, sales of potassium-iodide have jumped. Understandably so as you want your thyroid latching onto the real iodine, not what falls out of the air from …

Spicy Parasitic Commentary, with a Side of Troubling Hindsight?

While I no longer recommend going to mainstream medical offices for anything other than broken bones and the like, I do appreciate the research of those who still maintain higher standards in the medical research space. This guest article that Mercola published today, is quite long, and the helpful tidbit …

CJD(mad cow for humans), Prions (misfolded proteins), the “Vaxx”, and Your Health

TWO New Studies Show Link Between Incurable, Degenerative Brain Disease and the Experimental Covid-19 Vaccine  EDIT February 1, 2023 Since this article was written, the above papers have now been printed, with jab dates dating back to 2021, and by the time the report was officially published in January 2023, …

Herbs and Smallpox: Is it Really That Dire?

Alright, time for a minor research compilation! If you are hearing rumours of a potential smallpox outbreak, it is time to be preparing! I began looking into it and found a very damning paragraph regarding a potential treatment that you really don’t want to be using, but that you should …