Tag: <span>iodine</span>

Updated Repost From My Author Blog – What Do Salt, Iodine, and Hydrogen Peroxide Have in Common?

We’ve all heard of saline solutions over the years, most typically in reference to eye drops or throat gargles. In both cases, the solution washes and disinfects the eye or the throat. We’ve all heard of Iodine being an important part of a first aid kit, and perhaps even used …

When is Cholesterol Your Friend? Let’s Count a Few Ways (not all of them here)

The concept that cholesterol is actually beneficial rather than harmful, is a theme that has been collecting in my downloaded article folder for some time. I’d like to share snippets of various articles, some by Mercola and some by others, that further explain why today’s continued aversion to cholesterol may …

Food as Medicine Under a Radioactive Cloud

With North Korea, Russia, the USA, waving around their nuclear sabres, and with Iran loudly proclaiming to Israel that they will have their own soon, sales of potassium-iodide have jumped. Understandably so as you want your thyroid latching onto the real iodine, not what falls out of the air from …