Tag: <span>liver</span>

Rhubarb Leaf is Toxic! When Commonly Accepted Rumours Bump Up Against Properly Interpreted Sources

Sharing an article on Rhubarb leaf today, because I like how the guy thinks. Just because a claim is made means nothing if the research isn’t quoted with accessible sources, or understood in the balance of how the food might be eaten and in what quantities. When making claims ALWAYS …

Edible Scotch Thistle, It’s Uses, and Harvesting and Preparing it

One of the wild herbs we are starting to get into using more of in regular meals, is the Scotch Thistle. This grows all over the barn where we keep my daughter’s horse, and the barn owner regularly tries to get rid of it every year.  Last year, Ashley took …

When is Cholesterol Your Friend? Let’s Count a Few Ways (not all of them here)

The concept that cholesterol is actually beneficial rather than harmful, is a theme that has been collecting in my downloaded article folder for some time. I’d like to share snippets of various articles, some by Mercola and some by others, that further explain why today’s continued aversion to cholesterol may …

“One Health” in Reverse, and What We Can Learn From It

Today’s article takes the concept of “One Health”, and turns it on it’s head. The string pullers want you to be scared of zoonotic diseases, also known as diseases that spread from critter to human, and they have plans to use these diseases to create pandemics to feed an agenda …

When the Conditions a Set of Nutrients Treats, Span Similar Ailments

Back in 2006, Orthomolecular.org released this quote in a news article: “(OMNS, April 26, 2006) New clinical reports from Zambia, Uganda and South Africa indicate that AIDS may be stopped by nutritional supplementation. A number of members of the medical profession have observed that high doses of the trace element …

Medically-induced Suggestibility? Two Studies May be Hinting at Behavioural Side Effects.

Has Big Pharma been engaging in low-level individual decision-making? From 2017:  “One study reported that subjects who took 1,000 mg of Tylenol (only one third of the “safe” daily dose) exhibited decreased empathy and other positive emotions, and “blunted evaluation sensitivity to both negative and positive stimuli.”[5] (footnote worth reading) …

What is Choline, what is it used for, and how much should I be taking or eating?

When I first began creating my nutritional/medicinal wholefood database, sources I was drawing from identified Choline as a mineral. In preparing to answer the above questions, although it is related to various salts the body uses and creates (though minimally in Choline’s case), continued research into it’s properties reveals it …

Monkey Business Round Two, And the Foods You can Use to Deal with It

Are you as tired of warnings turning out to be predictions as I am? The concept of a warning being ostensibly about something that “might” happen, usually means there is a chance it “won’t” happen, particularly if necessary actions to avoid it take place. But what happens if there are …