Tag: <span>meat</span>

Next Up on the Mainstream Medicine Shortage List: Epilepsy! Can Herbs Help?

Another medicine shortage finally made mainstream news in recent days here in Canada, and it has to do with a common epilepsy drug. Published Dec. 12, 2024 11:27 a.m. PST  “TORONTO – The Canadian Epilepsy Alliance says an ongoing shortage of an epilepsy medication is leaving some patients worried they’ll …

Poutine Without the Fries! But not necessarily without the potatoe. . .

Every now and then, I have no choice but to experiment in the kitchen! I’m not a chef by any means, nor do I particularly love being in the kitchen. This means meals are fairly simple and plain for the most part, unless its festive time when I attempt a …

The Lowly and Picked-on Potatoe! (updated reprint from my author blog)

As I began preparing to get my Natural Health Practitioner designation as the career change of choice back in 2019 (events would postpone it till 2021), thoughts about first-world ways of looking at food, food as it’s seen in Scripture, and what to me is basic, common sense logic,converged while …

How Safe is Your Table of Fellowship?

Many people use this passage as reason to teach people not to eat meat (worded here as “flesh”), although by this time in the writing of Scripture, the word “meat” is starting to take on both “food” and “flesh” in meaning and context. Here we see Paul saying that food …

Finding Joy Among Empty Shelves

Whether it was a recent story of an electrical problem causing food to spoil at a local supermarket, or another concurrent story about supply hassles stocking the shelves of the meat section at two local Walmarts, today’s Food in Scripture quote shows how relevant God’s Word is: Although the fig …

The Benefits of Meat in Your Diet

It came across my desk again the other day. Someone was offering a workshop on the benefits of the carnivorous diet. Then today I ran across this article on the benefits of meat in one’s diet. (side bar is not very clean, sorry) There seriously ARE benefits to including meat …