Tag: <span>medicine</span>

The Government Grinch, or Creative, Re-thought Provision?

A well-meaning conservative politician that I follow across the country from me, finished off her latest mini-rant by asking if Trudeau will be ruining my Christmas. My immediate thought was, “No!”. Christmas in our house isn’t tight because of government idiocy, but instead because of lost jobs earlier in the …

Antibiotics = anti – life??? That, and Alternatives To Think About

Antibiotics – the medical discovery that the modern world swooned over, has become as big a threat as those it was discovered to treat. Doctors saw this class of drug as a cure-all, or at the very least, a bandaid across a such a wide swath of minor conditions, that …

More Foraging, and In-The-Field Medication

Sunday’s foraging run was about just two things, more rosehips, and yarrow.  We could have grabbed so much more chokecherry, but that wasn’t going to happen.  We’re tapped out with what we can process and store for this year. The trail we were on is frequented by other foragers and …

Musings on the Rhythms of Life, and a little Foraging too

Today’s foraging run will probably be the only one for this week, unless Ashley surprises me and decides to head out to an area we can walk to, on Canada Day, July 1st. We were both tired today, so only a couple photos, with one showing several of the plants …

Fairs, Tours, Courses and Dreams. Some Local, Some Global

We had a really good time at the Artful Hand Sanctuary Fair this past Sunday! The attitudes that walked past our table this year were far more neutral-to-welcoming/interested, than a year ago! We had a number of really good conversations, and for a wellness fair, actually came close to our …

Edible Scotch Thistle, It’s Uses, and Harvesting and Preparing it

One of the wild herbs we are starting to get into using more of in regular meals, is the Scotch Thistle. This grows all over the barn where we keep my daughter’s horse, and the barn owner regularly tries to get rid of it every year.  Last year, Ashley took …

Today’s Foraging Run Almost Got Cancelled!

So today’s foraging run was supposed to have been cancelled due to largely having run out of space to dry stuff at home! Then we attended the May 25th fair down in Kettle Valley, and discovered that to replenish some of our teas before June 9th’s wellness fair at the …

Spiritual Dangers of Homeopathic Medicine

Back on March 30th, Canada Health Alliance shared a lady’s substack article on homeopathy and how it had changed her life and that of her household for the better. I’d been on the fence about homeopathy, hearing various claims about it, various iterations of how homeopathic medicines are created and …