Tag: <span>natural</span>

Top 20 Articles of 2024

It took some finagling on the back end of my website, but by the end of January 2024, I had a way to roughly track post views again, two ways to be exact. So we’ll take a look at two different perspectives of how many people visited my site for …

Doctor Shortages and Maintaining Your Health

Articles like this are one of the reasons I am doing what I’m doing. If you are able to manage your own health or that of your family in a way that reduces the need for medical intervention, then that medical intervention may be available to those who do need …

Biblical Natural Health Coaching: What it is, is not, and why would I want it?

Curious about Biblical Natural Health Coaching? Wondering if it’s right for you? I am here to help you learn how to maintain or regain your health using food as medicine from a Biblical perspective and help you lessen, reduce, or even stop the cycle of ill health by how you feed …

Biblical Natural Health Coaching

One course remains now before I have my Natural Health Practitioner’s Diploma and embark on the career change I wanted several years ago. This is a natural progression of focus shifts that have occurred in the social, spiritual, relational, and medical realms I’ve moved in since the early ’90’s. A …