Tag: <span>practitioner</span>

New Year, New Path to Natural Health!

Approaching a new year always means assessing what worked over the past year, noting what didn’t work, and seeing what can be improved upon. As with many practices in the world of alternative medicine, my client intake form is several pages long and takes roughly 15 minutes to fill out …

Pharmaceutical Medications and Natural Medicine

Over-prescribing medications has been a problem here in Canada too, for probably just as long as in the US. If they aren’t waiving you off, they are giving you meds. This is a huge reason my kids and I stopped going to the doctor unless we were about ready to …

Biblical Natural Health Coaching

One course remains now before I have my Natural Health Practitioner’s Diploma and embark on the career change I wanted several years ago. This is a natural progression of focus shifts that have occurred in the social, spiritual, relational, and medical realms I’ve moved in since the early ’90’s. A …