Tag: <span>salt</span>

Curly Dock Chocolate Chip Cookies

Yes, I made chocolate chip cookies using curly dock seed flour! Of course there was more to it than that, when you learn to cook with wild provisions, there’s always more to it. The recipe I modified came from Detoxinista. I don’t have coconut sugar in the house, so I …

Poutine Without the Fries! But not necessarily without the potatoe. . .

Every now and then, I have no choice but to experiment in the kitchen! I’m not a chef by any means, nor do I particularly love being in the kitchen. This means meals are fairly simple and plain for the most part, unless its festive time when I attempt a …

The Dangers of Estrogen Therapy and Ways to Get Around It

I’ve been against estrogen replacement therapy for women going through menopause for well over two decades! My original argument was, “why would you want to put back, what your body is winding down?!” The idea that reintroducing estrogen to calm a woman’s symptoms as her body moves out of procreation …